People & Community

Diversity & Inclusion

Our centres are embedded in culturally rich communities. Embracing diversity is a part of our DNA, and we are dedicated to creating welcoming environments at both a corporate and centre level, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, title/position, sexual orientation and disability.

Through our self-service HR platform our employees are invited to provide information related to equal opportunities. This data will be used to support the development of actions to better understand and increase diversity across the business. Our Shopping Centres’ cleaning and security teams are employed direct through our contractor Cordant, who clearly demonstrate their commitment to promoting diversity and providing equal opportunity to all areas of their business from recruitment, employment and career progression to learning and development.

In coordination with National Inclusion Week, in September 2020, we launched the C&R Diversity and Inclusion programme and invited colleagues from across the business to join a newly formed Committee to lead and set the agenda for how we best progress. By adopting a renewed strategic focus on diversity with the launch of C&R’s Diversity Committee, we intend to provide a framework that ensures our commitment to inclusion can continue to drive innovation within the business and have a material impact on our performance.

考虑到所有问题,影响我们的出口leagues (both positive and negative), already the committee is making strides in progressing our diversity agenda, beginning with an internal audit to establish where C&R currently sits as a business in terms of diversity; what we are doing well, and where we can improve. The Committee will also be responsible for new initiatives to drive awareness of key diversity issues in the business and in our communities. The committee will place greater emphasis on partnerships with community groups, local and national charities that are championing the cause of diversity and promoting equal career opportunities for underrepresented backgrounds.


Environmental Sustainability

We work hard to ensure that the local communities and wider catchment areas that we serve are better places to be for all.

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People & Community

Being a responsible business cannot be achieved without the support and active engagement of our colleagues.

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Our robust corporate governance approach spans structure, organisational transparency, codes of conduct, risk, supply chain management, policy and impact measurement.

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