

嘉宾和客户体验总监Sara Jennings

While ‘adapt to survive’ has been the unfortunate reality for many retail businesses during lockdown, I am pleased to say that our agility in adopting new processes and ways of working at Capital & Regional has enabled the business to continue providing essential goods and services for our guests during this time. Equally important is the implementation of these processes to ensure our centre and support office teams can do their jobs safely. Agile HR has been at the forefront of this, allowing us to overcome new challenges and progress great opportunities for communication, engagement and wellness amongst our teams.

对于我们在家中工作的人来说,有效的 - 实际上是虚拟的 - 在业务中的交流手段对动机和管理从未如此重要。尽管即使有Microsoft团队(我们的首选平台)和WhatsApp组的能力进行即时响应协议,我们也错过了办公室物理互动期间交换的许多重要的非语言标志。


调整我们的人力资源方法还使我们在锁定期间成长在5月初在Mall Maidstone的新任总经理,这肯定是当地零售最重要的时期之一188官方网站社区。

加文(Gavin)成为我们有史以来第一个通过虚拟归纳引入的通用汽车。一个过程非常出色地将加文与企业,购物中心和梅德斯通社区融为一体。然后,我们为安迪·戴维(Andy Davy)主持了一个退休党,他从他担任梅德斯通(Maidstone)的总经理中辞职。一种简单的情绪,旨在增强我们业务核心的社区价值观,并在安迪(Andy)开始新篇章时为他提供了合适的派遣。我们还能够为我们的新开始者从头到尾进行虚拟招聘过程,并成功地将它们嵌入了虚拟团队中,并将其作为组织。

像许多企业一样,不幸的是,我们不得不在锁定后的一些团队成员休假,并很高兴欢迎员工和客人在上个月重新开放的非必需零售后回到我们的中心。188官方网站Turbulent times does not easily present itself as an opportunity to be proactive in planning the future of our workforce – though our success to date in adopting new modes of working has put us in good stead to continue adapting and growing in step with the government’s strategy for relaxing lockdown. Whatever shape that may take, we will continue to do everything we can to support the health and wellbeing of our people within the business.
